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3.6 Socket interface with i-PI

The i-PI universal force engine performs advanced Molecular Dynamics (MD) (such as Path Integral Molecular Dynamics, Thermodynamic Integration, Suzuki-Chin path integral, Multiple Time Step molecular dynamics) and other force related computations (see ipi-code.orgfor more information about i-PI).

PWscf users wishing to learn how to use i-PI should refer to the i-PI website. Practicalities

The communication between PWscf and i-PI relies on a socket interface. This allows running i-PI and PWscf on different computers provided that the two computers have an Internet connection. Basically, i-PI works as a server waiting for a connection of a suitable software (for example PWscf). When this happens, i-PI injects atomic positions and cell parameters into the software, that will return forces and stress tensor to i-PI.

The file containing the interface is run_driver.f90. The files socket.c and fsocket.f90 provide the necessary infrastructure to the socket interface. How to use the i-PI inteface

Since the communication goes through the Internet, the PWscf instance needs to know the address of the i-PI server that can be specified with the command line option --ipi (or -ipi) followed by the address of the computer running i-PI and the port number where i-PI is listening, e.g.
pw.x --ipi localhost:3142 -in pw.input > pw.out
If i-PI and PWscf are running on the same machine, a UNIX socket is preferable since allows faster communications, e.g.
pw.x --ipi socketname:UNIX -in pw.input > pw.out
In the last case, UNIX is a keyword that tells to PWscf to look for an UNIX socket connection instead of an INET one. More extensive examples and tutorials can be found at

The PWscf input file must contain all the information to perform a single point calculation (calculation = "scf") which are also used to initialize the PWscf run. Thus, it is important that the PWscf input contains atomic positions and cell parameters which are as close as possible to those specified in the i-PI input. Advanced i-PI usage

For more advanced users, calculation flags can be changed on-the-fly by parsing a single binary-encoded integer to QE through the i-PI socket. That gives users the flexibility to define what properties to be calculated. For example, if only a single SCF cycle is needed, traditionally run_driver.f90 would be set to calculate not only the potential energy, but also forces, stresses and initialize g-vectors. With the binary-integer encoded flags, now one can turn flags on and off as necessary to speed up their code flow.

The sequence of flags that is currently accepted is: SCF, forces, stresses, variable-cell and ensembles. The latter is only available if QE has been compiled against BEEF-vdW XC. For a SCF and forces-only calculation, that would corresponds to a 11000 sequence, which has a 24 decimal representation. The QE side of the i-PI socket expects the equivalent-decimal+1; therefore, for a 11000 calculation, the integer 25 would have to be parsed to the driver_init subroutine in run_driver.f90. If any number less-than or equal-to 1 is parsed to QE, it falls back to its standard i-PI mode.

Currently, the QE i-PI interface can only reside in three different states: "NEEDINIT", "READY" or "HAVEDATA". Whenever the socket sends a "STATUS" message to QE, it responds back with its current status. A simple calculation sequence of events would be: (1) an "STATUS" message is received, QE sends back "NEEDINIT", (2) an "INIT" message is received, QE waits for three data packets, (i) an integer that identifies the client on the other side of the socket, (ii) the flag-encoded integer mentioned above, which can be used to change calculation settings, and (iii) an initialization string. QE then changes its status to "READY". (3) The server sends a "POSDATA" message and QE then expects a sequence of variables depending on the calculation settings; the default being: a 3-by-3 matrix with cell and 3-by-3 marix with its inverse (if lmovecell is .TRUE.) and a (# of atoms)-by-3 position matrix. QE proceeds and computes all active properties (e.g. SCF, forces, stresses, etc.) and change its status to "HAVEDATA" and expects a (4) "GETFORCE" message from the socket. Once it is received, (5) QE sends back (i) a float with the potential energy, (ii) an integer with the total number of atoms, (iii) a (# of atoms)-by-3 matrix with forces (if lforce is .TRUE.), (iv) a 9-element-virial tensor (if lstres is .TRUE.). QE goes back to "NEEDINIT" status. The other side of socket should be able to compute new positions and cell coordinates (if lmovecell is .TRUE.) and start the cycle again from (1).

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