The self-interaction correction (SIC) included in the CP package is based on the Constrained Local-Spin-Density approach proposed my F. Mauri and coworkers (M. D'Avezac et al. PRB 71, 205210 (2005)). It was used for the first time in QUANTUM ESPRESSO by F. Baletto, C. Cavazzoni and S.Scandolo (PRL 95, 176801 (2005)).
This approach is a simple and nice way to treat ONE, and only one, excess charge. It is moreover necessary to check a priori that the spin-up and spin-down eigenvalues are not too different, for the corresponding neutral system, working in the Local-Spin-Density Approximation (setting nspin = 2). If these two conditions are satisfied and you are interest in charged systems, you can apply the SIC. This approach is a on-the-fly method to correct the self-interaction with the excess charge with itself.
Briefly, both the Hartree and the XC part have been corrected to avoid the interaction of the excess charge with itself.
For example, for the Boron atoms, where we have an even number of electrons (valence electrons = 3), the parameters for working with the SIC are:
&system nbnd= 2, tot_magnetization=1, sic_alpha = 1.d0, sic_epsilon = 1.0d0, sic = 'sic_mac', force_pairing = .true.,The two main parameters are:
force_pairing = .true., which forces the paired electrons to be the same;
sic='sic_mac', which instructs the code to use Mauri's correction.
Warning: This approach has known problems for dissociation mechanism driven by excess electrons.
Comment 1: Two parameters, sic_alpha and sic_epsilon', have been introduced following the suggestion of M. Sprik (ICR(05)) to treat the radical (OH)-H2O. In any case, a complete ab-initio approach is followed using sic_alpha=1, sic_epsilon=1.
Comment 2: When you apply this SIC scheme to a molecule or to an atom, which are neutral, remember to add the correction to the energy level as proposed by Landau: in a neutral system, subtracting the self-interaction, the unpaired electron feels a charged system, even if using a compensating positive background. For a cubic box, the correction term due to the Madelung energy is approx. given by 1.4186/Lbox -1.047/(Lbox)3, where Lbox is the linear dimension of your box (=celldm(1)). The Madelung coefficient is taken from I. Dabo et al. PRB 77, 115139 (2007). (info by F. Baletto,
The ensemble-DFT (eDFT) is a robust method to simulate the metals in the framework of ''ab-initio'' molecular dynamics. It was introduced in 1997 by Marzari et al.
The specific subroutines for the eDFT are in CPV/src/ensemble_dft.f90 where you define all the quantities of interest. The subroutine CPV/src/inner_loop_cold.f90 called by cg_sub.f90, control the inner loop, and so the minimization of the free energy A with respect to the occupation matrix.
To select a eDFT calculations, the user has to set:
calculation = 'cp' occupations= 'ensemble' tcg = .true. passop= 0.3 maxiter = 250to use the CG procedure. In the eDFT it is also the outer loop, where the energy is minimized with respect to the wavefunction keeping fixed the occupation matrix. While the specific parameters for the inner loop. Since eDFT was born to treat metals, keep in mind that we want to describe the broadening of the occupations around the Fermi energy. Below the new parameters in the electrons list, are listed.
The input for an Al surface is:
&CONTROL calculation = 'cp', restart_mode = 'from_scratch', nstep = 10, iprint = 5, isave = 5, dt = 125.0d0, prefix = 'Aluminum_surface', pseudo_dir = '~/UPF/', outdir = '/scratch/' ndr=50 ndw=51 / &SYSTEM ibrav= 14, celldm(1)= 21.694d0, celldm(2)= 1.00D0, celldm(3)= 2.121D0, celldm(4)= 0.0d0, celldm(5)= 0.0d0, celldm(6)= 0.0d0, nat= 96, ntyp= 1, nspin=1, ecutwfc= 15, nbnd=160, input_dft = 'pbe' occupations= 'ensemble', smearing='cs', degauss=0.018, / &ELECTRONS orthogonalization = 'Gram-Schmidt', startingwfc = 'random', ampre = 0.02, tcg = .true., passop= 0.3, maxiter = 250, emass_cutoff = 3.00, conv_thr=1.d-6 n_inner = 2, lambda_cold = 0.03, niter_cold_restart = 2, / &IONS ion_dynamics = 'verlet', ion_temperature = 'nose' fnosep = 4.0d0, tempw = 500.d0 / ATOMIC_SPECIES Al 26.89 Al.pbe.UPFNOTA1 remember that the time step is to integrate the ionic dynamics, so you can choose something in the range of 1-5 fs.
All the other parameters have the same meaning in the usual CP input, and they are discussed above.
The cutoff ecutrho defines the resolution on the real space FFT mesh (as expressed by nr1, nr2 and nr3, that the code left on its own sets automatically). In the USPP case we refer to this mesh as the "hard" mesh, since it is denser than the smooth mesh that is needed to represent the square of the non-norm-conserving wavefunctions.
On this "hard", fine-spaced mesh, you need to determine the size of the cube that will encompass the largest of the augmentation charges - this is what nr1b, nr2b, nr3b are. hey are independent of the system size, but dependent on the size of the augmentation charge (an atomic property that doesn't vary that much for different systems) and on the real-space resolution needed by augmentation charges (rule of thumb: ecutrho is between 6 and 12 times ecutwfc).
The small boxes should be set as small as possible, but large enough to contain the core of the largest element in your system. The formula for estimating the box size is quite simple:
nr1b = 2Rc/Lx x nr1and the like, where Rcut is largest cut-off radius among the various atom types present in the system, Lx is the physical length of your box along the x axis. You have to round your result to the nearest larger integer. In practice, nr1b etc. are often in the region of 20-24-28; testing seems again a necessity.
The core charge is in principle finite only at the core region (as defined by some Rrcut ) and vanishes out side the core. Numerically the charge is represented in a Fourier series which may give rise to small charge oscillations outside the core and even to negative charge density, but only if the cut-off is too low. Having these small boxes removes the charge oscillations problem (at least outside the box) and also offers some numerical advantages in going to higher cut-offs." (info by Nicola Marzari)
The references for this algorithm are:
(i) | Theory: X. Wu , A. Selloni, and R. Car, Phys. Rev. B 79, 085102 (2009). |
(ii) | Implementation: H.-Y. Ko, B. Santra, R. A. DiStasio, L. Kong, Z. Li, X. Wu, and R. Car, arxiv. |
The parallelization scheme in this algorithm is based upon the number of electronic states. In the current implementation, there are certain restrictions on the choice of the number of MPI tasks. Also slightly different algorithms are employed depending on whether the number of MPI tasks used in the calculation are greater or less than the number of electronic states. We highly recommend users to follow the notes below. This algorithm can be used most efficiently if the numbers of electronic states are uniformly distributed over the number of MPI tasks. For a system having N electronic states the optimum numbers of MPI tasks (nproc) are the following:
(a) | In case of nproc ![]()
(b) | In case of nproc > N, the optimum choices are N*m, where m is any positive integer.
An example input is listed as following:
&CONTROL calculation = 'cp-wf', title = "(H2O)32 Molecule: electron minimization PBE0", restart_mode = "from_scratch", pseudo_dir = './', outdir = './', prefix = "water", nstep = 220, iprint = 100, isave = 100, dt = 4.D0, ekin_conv_thr = 1.D-5, etot_conv_thr = 1.D-5, / &SYSTEM ibrav = 1, celldm(1) = 18.6655, nat = 96, ntyp = 2, ecutwfc = 85.D0, input_dft = 'pbe0', / &ELECTRONS emass = 400.D0, emass_cutoff = 3.D0, ortho_eps = 1.D-8, ortho_max = 300, electron_dynamics = "damp", electron_damping = 0.1D0, / &IONS ion_dynamics = "none", / &WANNIER nit = 60, calwf = 3, tolw = 1.D-6, nsteps = 20, adapt = .FALSE. wfdt = 4.D0, wf_q = 500, wf_friction = 0.3D0, exx_neigh = 60, ! exx related optional exx_dis_cutoff = 8.0D0, ! exx related optional exx_ps_rcut_self = 6.0D0, ! exx related optional exx_ps_rcut_pair = 5.0D0, ! exx related optional exx_me_rcut_self = 9.3D0, ! exx related optional exx_me_rcut_pair = 7.0D0, ! exx related optional exx_poisson_eps = 1.D-6, ! exx related optional / ATOMIC_SPECIES O 16.0D0 O_HSCV_PBE-1.0.UPF H 2.0D0 H_HSCV_PBE-1.0.UPF