Generate k-mesh

based on PW/tools/kpoints.x

Brillouin zone

1 = cubic P (sc ) 2 = cubic F (fcc)
3 = cubic I (bcc) 4 = hex & trigonal P
5 = trigonal r 6 = tetrag p (st )
7 = tetrag i (bct) 8 = orthor p (so )
9 = orthor base-cent. 10 = orthor face-cent.
11 = orthor body-cent. 12 = monoclinic p
13 = monocl base-cent. 14 = triclinic p

ibrav: (* Required)

n1: n2: n3:
sk1: sk2: sk3:
full mesh=(y or n):

Generate n1 x n2 x n3 Monkhorst-Pack grids. The grid offsets sk1, sk2, sk3 must be 0 ( no offset ) or 1 ( grid displaced by half a grid step in the corresponding direction ).
The result is used as k-points in unit of 2π/alat. alat=celldm(1). bravais can not be 0.

Bravais not set or =0.